Board of Directors and Management
Interparking’s board of directors and management is committed to providing Europe’s motorists with car parks that are secure, convenient and environmentally conscious.
Over the last 65 years, our board of directors and management team have worked closely with local communities and city councils to ensure that we provide a high quality car parking experience.

Board of Directors
Serge Fautré | Chairman
Roland Cracco (Kingsdale Consulting SRL) | CEO
Marc Van Begin (Marc Van Begin SRL) | Director
Antonio Cano (until 31/05/2024) | Director
Emmanuel Van Grimbergen ( from 1/06/2024) | Director
Amand Benoît D’Hondt (Amand Benoït D’Hondt SRL) | Director
Bart Saenen | Director
Jan-Jacob van Wulfften Palthe | Director
Piet Coelewij (Adsum Auxilio BV) | Director
Wim Guilliams (until 31/12/2022) | Director
Karel Tanghe (from 01/01/2023) | Director
Investment Commitee
Serge Fautré | Chairman
Amand Benoît D’Hondt (Amand Benoït D’Hondt SRL) | Member
Yves De Clercq (Yves De Clercq SCA) | Member
Bart Saenen | Member
Preparatory Audit Commitee
Marc Van Begin (Marc Van Begin SRL) | Chairman
Amand Benoît D’Hondt (Amand Benoït D’Hondt SRL) | Member
Bart Saenen | Member
Appointment and remuneration Commitee
Serge Fautré | Chairman
Antonio Cano (until 31/05/2024) | Member
Karel Tanghe (from 1/06/2024) | Member
Bart Saenen | Member
Corporate Management
Roland Cracco | CEO
Elisabeth Roberti | General Secretary
Edouard de Vaucleroy | CFO
Arnaud Baijot | Head of Group M&A
Operational management
Germany / Austria (Contipark)
Spain / Romania