Car park P3 Holiday in Zaventem (Brussels Airport)

Brussels Airport, 1930 Zaventem, Belgium

Car park booking

P3 Holiday

The car park is situated at Brussels Airport.
PROMO: 10% discount with the Pcard+
This covered Carpark offers you the best rates for a parking space opposite the terminals.

Get more information on prices and to make your reservation.


Normal tariff

1 hour€5.00€4.50
2 hours€10.00€9.00
3 hours€15.00€13.50
4 hours€20.00€18.00
5 hours€25.00€22.50
1 day€30.00€27.00
6 hours€30.00€27.00
2 days€56.00€50.40
3 days€82.00€73.80
4 days€101.00€90.90
5 days€120.00€108.00
6 days€134.00€120.60
7 days€148.00€133.20
8 days€156.00€140.40
9 days€162.00€145.80
10 days€168.00€151.20
11 days€174.00€156.60
12 days€180.00€162.00
13 days€186.00€167.40
14 days€192.00€172.80
15 days€198.00€178.20
16 days€201.00€180.90
17 days€204.00€183.60
18 days€207.00€186.30
19 days€210.00€189.00
20 days€213.00€191.70
21 days€216.00€194.40
22 days€219.00€197.10
23 days€222.00€199.80
25 days€228.00€205.20
26 days€231.00€207.90
27 days€234.00€210.60
28 days€237.00€213.30

 As of day 29, the extra cost per day is 24 €.

Opening Hours

Regular schedule
All days00:00 - 24:00


Total places4431
Parking for disabled52
Electric spaces64
Maximal height2.1 m

Facilities and Services

Rest roomRest room
Disabled accommodationsDisabled accommodations
Exit 24/24h, 7/7dExit 24/24h, 7/7d
EV charging stationEV charging station

Available Payment Options

Pcard app
Parky newspaper

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