Car park P Lock in Zaventem (Brussels Airport)

Brussels Airport, 1930 Zaventem, Belgium

Car park booking

P Lock

The car park with additional security measures is situated in front of the check-in terminal at Brussels Airport.
The price includes insurance against fire and theft of the vehicle.
The access to the Lock Parking is reachable via the P2 Parking, the entrance is on the far right.
To reserve a parking at Brussels Airport go to

Promo :
10% on the price for customers PCard


Normal tariff Insurance Incl.

1 day€32.00€28.80
2 days€62.00€55.80
3 days€87.00€78.30
4 days€112.00€100.80
5 days€128.00€115.20
6 days€143.00€128.70
7 days€156.00€140.40
8 days€164.00€147.60
9 days€172.00€154.80
10 days€180.00€162.00
11 days€188.00€169.20
12 days€196.00€176.40
13 days€201.00€180.90
14 days€206.00€185.40
15 days€211.00€189.90
16 days€216.00€194.40
17 days€220.00€198.00
18 days€224.00€201.60
19 days€228.00€205.20
20 days€232.00€208.80
21 days€236.00€212.40
22 days€240.00€216.00
23 days€244.00€219.60
24 days€248.00€223.20
25 days€252.00€226.80
26 days€256.00€230.40
27 days€260.00€234.00
28 days€264.00€237.60

 As of day 29, the extra cost per day is 29 €.

Opening Hours

Regular schedule
All days00:00 - 24:00


Total places911
Parking for disabled12
Electric spaces12
Maximal height1.9 m

Facilities and Services

Rest roomRest room
Disabled accommodationsDisabled accommodations
Exit 24/24h, 7/7dExit 24/24h, 7/7d
EV charging stationEV charging station
Show more details
Online parking reservationOnline parking reservation

Available Payment Options

Pcard app
Parky newspaper

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